Plot: Some time after Thanos was defeated and Tony Stark's sacrifice, Peter Parker returns to high school. Now, Peter is out to see the world with his classmates and is wanting to take a break from being Spider-Man. But his fun filled trip is suddenly sabotaged when a string of mysterious attacks by creatures called Elementals start wreaking havoc all over the world. To make matters more difficult, Peter finds himself recruited by Nick Fury and an interdimensional newcomer named Quentin Beck/Mysterio to help fight them and uncover the truth behind the attacks. Are the Elementals real? Is Mysterio who he says he is?
Alternative Plot: Peter Parker's relaxing European vacation takes an unexpected turn when Nick Fury shows up in his hotel room to recruit him for a mission. The world is in danger as four massive elemental creatures -- each representing Earth, air, water and fire -- emerge from a hole torn in the universe. Parker soon finds himself donning the Spider-Man suit to help Fury and fellow superhero Mysterio stop the evil entities from wreaking havoc across the continent.
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