Plot: After escaping death by the skin of her teeth during the blood-soaked events of Lake Placid 3 (2010), the lucky ex-poacher, Reba, joins the Environmental Protection Agency, to rid Maine's notorious Black Lake of its reptilian infestation. To keep the massive crocodiles at bay, the inhabitants have erected an impassable electric fence; however, when an unsuspecting group of high school students find themselves in the heart of the protected area, parts will go missing. Now, with her daughter, Chloe, trapped in the infested area, Sheriff Giove and Reba must risk life and limb to rescue the human prey before it's too late. But, is there an escape from the deadly Lake Placid?
Alternative Plot: Members of a high school swim team are hunted by huge crocs with a taste for human flesh. As the kids flee the hungry predators, they get caught in a showdown between a rogue game warden and a demented poacher .
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