Plot: A mysterious biker arrives in a small town in an Indian reservation for the funeral of his friend J.J. and discovers through his family that he was murdered by the men of the powerful John Reno. The corrupt businessman plans to build a casino in association with criminals from the North in the town and J.J. opposed to his intentions offering a better option to the locals. The lone vigilante decides to stay in town with his bible and drinking straight tequila and like an avenging angel, bring justice to people.
Alternative Plot: A stranger arrives in a small town, riding a motorcycle and carrying a bible. His name is Ryder (Dolph Lundgren), and he's on a mission to avenge the death of his friend, suspected of being murdered at the hands of local boss John Reno (Matthew Tompkins). Reno runs the town and has plans to build a casino on an Indian reservation, no matter how much suffering it causes the local tribe. In a blood-soaked confrontation, Ryder takes on Reno and the gang of biker thugs that does his bidding.
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