Plot: Gene Watson is a public accountant who arrives on a train at Union Station in Los Angeles, accompanied by his 6-year-old daughter Lynn. Because of his ordinary looks, he is approached by a pair of sinister people named Smith and Jones. Pretending to be cops, Smith and Jones kidnap Lynn and confront Gene with a simple choice -- kill California governor Eleanor Grant in 90 minutes or less, or Lynn will die. Watson is given a gun, six bullets, and a name tag, and he is told to go to the Westin Bonaventure Hotel and kill Eleanor, who is giving an afternoon speech. While Jones is watching Lynn in a van, Smith watches Watson in order to prevent Watson from alerting the authorities. Watson must quickly find some way to get himself and Lynn out of this seemingly impossible situation.
Alternative Plot: Gene Watson (Johnny Depp) arrives at an L.A. train station with his young daughter, Lynn (Courtney Chase), and is confronted by mysterious Mr. Smith (Christopher Walken) and Ms. Jones (Roma Maffia). They hand him a gun, order him to kill the state governor within 75 minutes and threaten to murder his child if he doesn't comply. Smith accompanies Watson to a hotel where the governor is to speak, while Jones holds the girl. As Watson considers his options, the hour to act draws ever nearer.
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