Storytelling (2001)

Plot: Storytelling follows two separate, unrelated stories of the angst, frustration, depression of the youth of today against two backdrops. In "Fiction", Vi is a hip college teenager who allows herself to be exploited and abused by any guy, including her writing professor, in order to get inspiration for her creative writing class. In "Non-fiction", Toby Oxman is a hapless loser/shoe salesman who wants to be a famous documentary filmmaker. For his first project, Toby explores the dysfunctional Livingston family, focusing mostly on the oldest son Scooby, an alienated, hates-the-world, ticking-time-bomb, bisexual, high school student with dreams of being famous.

Alternative Plot: "Storytelling" is comprised of two separate stories set against the sadly comical terrain of college and high school, past and present. Following the paths of its young hopeful/troubled characters, it explores issues of sex, race, celebrity and exploitation. This movie is divided into a fiction and non-fiction part.

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