Plot: Left with only one happy moment in his entire life, the quiet short-order cook, Frank Darbo, knows that he's losing his beautiful former addict wife, Sarah, to the smug, drug-dealing strip-club owner, Jacques. Then, after a wondrous late-night epiphany, Frank plucks up the courage to transform the horrible depression and his simmering anger into something useful, and just like that, a determined superhero emerges, The Crimson Bolt. Now, a large, cast-iron pipe spanner and a loyal female sidekick--the overzealous, Boltie--can go a long way towards winning the eternal battle against crime; however, fighting the scum of the Earth and winning Sarah back are two entirely different things. But, in the meantime, don't steal; don't push drugs, and don't be evil because Bolt and Boltie are in the neighbourhood. Is there a crock of gold at the end of the rainbow?
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