Plot: While flying from Los Angeles to New York, "good boy" Oliver Martin meets "bad girl" Emily Friehl and they have sex in the restroom. They stay together all day in New York, when Oliver discloses the planning of his life--his future career, successful job, then raising a family. He gives Emily his mother's phone number and asks her to call six years later to check. For seven years, they occasionally meet, and in the end, their relationship becomes love.
Alternative Plot: When Oliver (Ashton Kutcher) and Emily (Amanda Peet) meet on an airplane, they feel an instant connection, but agree that they're wrong for each other. As the years pass and they live their separate lives, fate brings them together several times, and they become close friends. Any time one of them wants more out of the relationship, the other seems content with just being friends. If they wait too long, Oliver and Emily may miss any chance of spending their lives together.
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