Plot: In England, the professional assassin Viktor tells the story of his life to a filmmaker since he was a bullied boy in the outskirt of Bucharest, Romania. His father owes money to the mafia and is threatened by enforcers. Viktor seeks a job with the mobster Sergei to make money but not to pay his father's debt. Soon his father is murdered by the mafia and Viktor is assigned to collect money from a man. Viktor kills the man and his wife and when he is ready to kill the two daughters, Sergei arrives and moves him to the city. Viktor learns how to become a cold blooded and cruel hit man from Sergei and works for the Romanian kingpin, Traficant. During a drug purchase, the reckless son of Traficant, Franco, kills the son of another mafia lord and Sergei is assigned to kill Viktor to cover up Franco's murder. However Viktor kills Sergei, simulates his own death and flees to London. Soon he is hired by a powerful mafia kingpin and Viktor saves a woman, Bethesda, who was going to be raped by a gang in a coffee shop. She seduces him and they fall in love with each other. Sometime later, she is pregnant and Viktor decides to retire after resolving some loose ends in Romania. Then Viktor tells the filmmaker that Bethesda wants to meet him. What is the reason for the encounter?
Alternative Plot: An elite hit man tries to erase his past, and he is shocked to learn that someone has messed up his future.
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