Plot: Three years after the end of the Apache wars, peacemaking chief Cochise dies. His elder son Taza shares his ideas, but brother Naiche yearns for war...and for Taza's betrothed, Oona. Naiche loses no time in starting trouble which, thanks to a bigoted cavalry officer, ends with the proud Chiricahua Apaches on a reservation, where they are soon joined by the captured renegade Geronimo, who is all it takes to light the firecracker's fuse...
Alternative Plot: After decades of warfare between the Apaches and the U.S. military, a peace agreement is finally made. A few years later, the Apaches undergo a regime change, and the new chief, Taza (Rock Hudson), is determined to maintain positive relations between his people and the American cavalrymen. But Taza's fiery brother, Naiche (Bart Roberts), wants to rid the area of incoming white pioneers. Naiche teams up with Geronimo (Ian MacDonald), the leader of a violent nearby tribe, and a new war begins.
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