I Spit on Your Grave (2010)

Plot: Eager to take a break from the hustle and bustle of New York City, the talented young writer, Jennifer Hills, arrives in Louisiana to start working on her first novel. But, there, holed up in her secluded riverside cabin, Jennifer is utterly unaware that she has already caught the eye of violent Johnny and his gang of rural misogynistic creeps, who are hell-bent on having their way with the helpless, unsuspecting visitor. And before long, poor Jennifer is sexually assaulted over and over again and left for dead, as a voyeuristic friend of Johnny records everything with his video camera. However, as the brutal perverts go on with their lives, Jennifer returns with revenge etched on her mind, and no one is safe. Who can stop Jennifer from taking her savage vengeance on her enemies, and spit on their graves?

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