Plot: Set amongst the rolling hills of Western Pennsylvania's once prosperous coal country, Out of the Black is a suspensful, compelling tale of two brothers, Cole and Patrick Malby, and their quest to unravel the mysteries surrounding their father's death. Based around the true story of one of the countries worst mining accidents on record, this heartfelt drama follows the plight of two brothers' quest for the truth. Hiding from their past and keeping to themselves, the two young men afford a meager, day by day existence, working their small, dilapidated farm. But all that is about to change, when a strange woman, Cait MacLochlainn, arrives in town to find her long lost father, a man she's never met. Through a series of events, Cole reluctantly resolves to help Cait locate her father. The result proves to be a profound journey of personal truths, freedom and,
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