Plot: Aram Finklestein is a smart, shy last year business management student from an ambitious Jewish New York family, but refuses to be pushed into either rat race or a semi-arranged marriage, traumatized by the French exchange student 'wife' Alice who dumped him after getting her green card. So he takes menial jobs, like deli barista with a womanizer mate, who envies and encourages him when customer Sandy (45), not nearly over her divorce but with custody of pleasant rascal Frank and shameless brat Sadie, is surprised to hear him agree to babysit the pair while she tries dates arranged by her no-good friend Daphne. Aram repeats the service to everyone's satisfaction, but family-like affection grows, they date and he stands up for his clients against her presumptuous ex. Yet she can't handle the age difference, so their ways separate for years.
Alternative Plot: A newly single woman (Catherine Zeta-Jones) becomes involved with the much-younger man (Justin Bartha) she hired to take care of her children.
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