Titanic (1996)

Plot: Everyone thought R.M.S. Titanic was the safest ship in the world - a leading shipbuilding journal proclaimed it "unsinkable" because of its watertight compartment design. On its first trip from England to New York City, it collided with an iceberg in the middle of the North Atlantic. The much-publicized "unsinkable" watertight compartment design was never designed to cope with such extensive damage, and the "unsinkable" ship starts to go down. Even worse, more than half of the two thousand two hundred plus passengers and crew on-board are already doomed, as the Titanic is only carrying lifeboats for about one thousand two hundred. This is the frightening story of the passengers and crew's struggles to stay alive. Who will escape the Titanic before it goes nearly two miles to the ocean bottom, and survive the panic, as well as the twenty-eight-degree water?

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