Plot: In the outback of Australia, coward white koala Johnny (Rob Schneider) is bullied by the other animals because of his color. When Johnny meets Tasmanian devil Hamish (Bret McKenzie) and his friend, mute photographer monkey Higgens (Yvonne Strahovski), he is invited to join a travelling circus and he leaves the wilderness to be an attraction in the sideshow. While travelling to Precipice Lake, the wagon car of Johnny, Hamish, and Higgens releases from the train and they crash in the desert. They walk together to the new location and stumble onto an oasis with a billabong, and they see a pack of dingoes attacking the animals. Johnny accidentally frightens the wild dogs that return to their boss, the evil crocodile Bog (Alan Cumming) in Precipice Lake and Hamish introduces Johnny, bragging that he is hero "The Koala Kid". They are welcomed by the locals and Johnny is worshipped by little Charlotte (Jenni Pulos), despite the disbelief of her sister Miranda (Sunny). But when Charlotte is wrongly kidnapped by the dingoes, Johnny has to prove to himself that he can beat Bog and rescue Charlotte.
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