Plot: Dougal, a shaggy, candy-loving puppy, embarks on a dangerous journey with a group of friends in an effort to imprison their oppressor, the evil ice sorcerer Zeebad (Zebedee's evil twin). The world is placed in mortal danger as Zeebad wants to freeze everything there is; Dougal and his friends must recover three diamonds in order to stop him.
Alternative Plot: Florence and her animal friends live in the Enchanted Village, which is under the care of Zebedee, a kindly wizard. However, a dark cloud approaches this sunny world. After being encased in ice for eons, Zeebad, Zebedee's evil double, reappears and threatens to start another ice age. The only way to stop Zeebad is for Florence and friends to find three magic diamonds before he does. Based on the cult TV series "The Magic Roundabout."
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