Plot: Shortly after the horrifying underwater attack in Maine's Black Lake, the local Fish and Game officer, Jack Wells, enlists the help of the New York City palaeontologist, Kelly Scott, to investigate. With only a mangled body as their starting point, Jack and Kelly embark on a dangerous mission to find the mysterious creature, as Sheriff Hank Keough, a mythology professor, and an eccentric inhabitant all want to locate the elusive predator first. But, something deadly is lurking beneath the silent pond, and it's already taken a liking to the juicy human flesh. What is the secret of Lake Placid?
Alternative Plot: When a mysterious creature violently kills a man in a Maine lake, Jack Wells (Bill Pullman), the local game warden, looks into the bizarre case, along with Sheriff Hank Keough (Brendan Gleeson) and visiting paleontologist Kelly Scott (Bridget Fonda). Looking for clues in a tooth that the beast left behind, Kelly and the others eventually locate the monster, a massive and vicious reptile eager to devour anything in its path. Can the crocodile-like creature be stopped?
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