Plot: An adventuresome boy with a mechanical clock for a heart seeks the love of his life in late-19th-century Edinburgh in this whimsical animated adventure based on the popular children's book by Mathias Malzieu (who adapts his own work to the screen alongside co-director Stéphane Berla. His heart frozen when he's born on the coldest day in history, young Jack gets a second chance at life when the brilliant Doctor Madeleine replaces it with a magical clock. In order to keep it ticking Jack must follow three simple rules: never touch the hands; keep his anger under control; and never fall in love. That final rule is put to the test one day when Jack encounters ethereal street singer Miss Acacia, whose beauty sends his pulse racing. Later, determined to track down the mysterious beauty even if it means risking his own life, smitten Jack sets out on an adventure that will take him from the Scottish all the way to Andalusia.
Alternative Plot: A man (Orlando Seale) with a timepiece for a heart ignores warnings that he must never fall in love after he spies a beautiful singer (Samantha Barks).
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