Plot: In Edinburgh, the teenager Sean Macdonald lives a life without perspective with his sister Alice Kelly. Out of the blue, Sean discovers that Alice owes twelve thousand pounds to dangerous people that are forcing her to travel to Amsterdam to traffic drugs. However, he is contacted by two men, Alistair Raskolnikov and Jamie Stewart that offer twelve thousand pounds to him to play hide and seek for twelve hours with them. If their hunting fails, Sean would earn the amount on the next morning. Sean accepts but sooner he finds that Alistair is a sadistic paranoid killer and he needs to escape not only for the money, but to survive.
Alternative Plot: Alistair's (Dougray Scott) idea of fun is striking strange bargains with desperate people. While interviewing Jamie (Alastair Mackenzie) for a position in his office, the sleazy banker coerces him into playing a dangerous game. The two men find Sean (James Anthony Pearson), a rough young teen whose pregnant sister owes money to some local thugs. Alistair proposes to pay the sister's debt if Sean can resist capture for 12 hours. As the night wears on, Sean realizes someone isn't playing fair.
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