Dorian Gray (2009)

Plot: After the death of his grandson, the naive and pure Dorian Gray returns to Victorian London, where he befriends the talented painter Basil Hallward and the corrupt Lord Henry Wotton. Basil paints Dorian's portrait and gives the beautiful painting to him while Henry corrupts his mind and soul by telling him that Dorian should seek pleasure in life. Dorian makes a deal with the devil, trading his soul to keep his beauty and youth, while his picture ages and displays the effects of his corrupt life. Dorian Gray travels abroad for many years and when he returns to London, his friends are aged while he is still the same. When Dorian meets Henry's daughter Emily Wotton, they fall in love and Dorian wants his life back.

Alternative Plot: A hedonistic aristocrat (Ben Barnes) remains young and handsome while a hidden portrait reflects his ugly soul.

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