Plot: Wanting to escape city life for the countryside, New Yorkers Cooper Tilson (Quaid), his wife Leah (Stone) and their two children move into a dilapidated old mansion still filled with the possessions of the previous family. Turning it into their dream house soon becomes a living nightmare when the previous owner (Dorff) shows up, and a series of terrifying incidents lead them on a spine-tingling search for clues to the estate's dark and lurid past...
Alternative Plot: When filmmaker Cooper Tilson (Dennis Quaid) and his wife, Leah (Sharon Stone), tire of life in New York City, they buy a decrepit house in rural Cold Creek, N.Y., and move their family up there. However, soon the former owner, a menacing local named Dale Massie (Stephen Dorff), arrives. When Dale, who has just been released from prison, asks to be hired to help repair the house, the Tilsons agree. But soon Cooper starts believing that Dale may be even more dangerous than he seems.
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