Beyond Loch Ness (2008)


Plot: A mysterious and unstoppable hunter is spreading terror in the once-peaceful region around Lake Superior, and no man can survive its swift and devastating attack. As the hungry beast gobbles down the locals one by one, the inhabitants begin to realise that the monster not only is hiding in the lake's deep and silent waters but also there are two of them. Now, nearly three decades after the near-death experience that left him scarred for life, the grizzled cryptozoologist, James Murphy, arrives in town, following a hunch, and if his fears come true, he'll have to face, once more, his gargantuan, scaly nemesis. Can Murphy reveal the secret of the lake and destroy the beast beyond Loch Ness?

Alternative Plot: Years after the famous beast killed his father, James, a cryptozoologist, tracks the creature to Lake Superior and makes plans to kill it.

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