Shadow of a Doubt (1943)


Plot: In Santa Rosa, California, young adult Charlotte "Charlie" Newton believes it's providence when her maternal Uncle Charlie Oakley, after who she is named, from New York City comes to visit with her family, his stay is indefinite. She was just about to write to him to ask him to visit as the only person who could get her out of her funk. He is exactly the tonic that she needed, the two of them who have a special affinity for each other being namesakes. Her feeling about his visit changes when she learns from detectives that he is a suspect in a series of murders. For young Charlie, Uncle Charlie being a murderer would provide some explanation to his rather odd behavior since his arrival in town. As young Charlie begins her own investigation, she has to decide, based on what she knows or thinks she knows about Uncle Charlie's guilt or innocence, if in this case blood is thicker than water, especially as the non-blood component is her burgeoning mutual romantic interest with one of the detectives on Uncle Charlie's trail, Jack Graham. Is she chooses blood, it could prove to threaten her life if Uncle Charlie is indeed the murderer.

Alternative Plot: Uncle Charlie (Joseph Cotten) visits his relatives in Santa Rosa. He is a very charming man, but his niece slowly realizes that he is wanted for murder and he soon recognizes her suspicions. Although one of the suspected murderers is killed and the case is considered closed, she still has her suspicions.

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