Plot: In 1977, the goalkeeper of the Almagro team Claudio Tamburrini is illegally kidnapped from his home, arrested by the government forces and sent blindfolded to Sere Mansion, a clandestine detention center. His acquaintance Tano, who had been tortured for a long period, had falsely accused Claudio of being a revolutionary. Along the months, Claudio is kept nude and handcuffed together with the prisoners El Gallego, El Vasco and Guillermo Fernández and submitted to all sort of humiliations and tortures, until the night they decide to escape from their imprisonment in the old mansion.
Alternative Plot: Labeled a subversive by Argentina's oppressive military regime, soccer player Claudio Tamburrini (Rodrigo de la Serna) is kidnapped, blindfolded and taken to a secret prison. Left naked and handcuffed, often tortured without mercy, Tamburrini endures days of pain and humiliation. Eventually he and three fellow prisoners, including Guillermo Fernandez (Nazareno Casero), devise a plan to escape the prison, knowing that failure will likely cost them their lives.
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