Plot: Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer) is a Vietnam vet who was blinded during the war. He was found by one of the local tribes, who taught him to enhance his remaining senses and to expertly wield a sword. On his return to the United States, he goes to visit an old Army buddy, Frank Devereaux (Terrance O'Quinn), but discovers that he and his wife, Lynn (Meg Foster) are divorced, and Frank no longer lives there. What they don't know is that Devereaux was playing in a crooked casino in Reno, Nevada and accumulated a large debt. Casino boss MacCready (Noble Willingham) is willing to forgive his debt if he does something for him: Devereaux is a chemist, and they want him to make designer drugs. In order to make sure he does it, they try to kidnap his son, Billy (Brandon Call). But Nick is there, and Nick saves the boy. Thus begins a road trip to Las Vegas, Nevada to protect the boy and save his friend, with the boss' henchmen in pursuit.
Alternative Plot: He may be blind, but Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer) has a way with a sword. The Vietnam vet pays a visit to an old war buddy, Frank Deveraux (Terrance O'Quinn), only to discover that his friend is in deep trouble. Gangsters have killed Frank's wife (Meg Foster) and are holding him hostage in Reno, Nev. Making a narrow escape with Frank's young son (Brandon Call), Nick heads across the country to even the score. Needless to say, his opponents underestimate him -- and his sword skills.
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