Plot: During her Graduation Day party with her school at the local amusement park, 18 year-old Wendy Christensen has a violent premonition of a fatally horrible roller-coaster crash involving her and all her friends. After being let off the coaster along with half the other students the coaster starts. Only when the premonition comes true and everyone on the coaster, including her boyfriend Jason, dies, does Wendy realize that it was just the beginning. Teaming up with fellow classmate Kevin, whose girlfriend also died, they begin to realize that because they escaped their fate they now have to stop Death from it's plan of killing off the survivors and sealing their fate. They use the picture Wendy took at the Amusment Park to find clues to their friends deaths and try to stop them. They also need to find out who was sitting in front of them and help them cheat death, before they're next. Will they intervene or will Death have its way?
Alternative Plot: Six years after a group of high-school students first cheated death, another teen (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) has a premonition that she and her friends will be involved in a horrifying roller-coaster accident. When the vision proves true, the student and her fellow survivors must deal with the repercussions of cheating the Grim Reaper.
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