Plot: Born in Pakistan, Jahangir Khan now lives in Salford, Enland, along with his Caucasian wife, Ella, and a school-going son, Sajid, who cannot not only speak nor understand Urdu/Punjabi, but is unable to locate Pakistan on the map - yet is picked on by other Caucasian class-mates, called a 'Paki', and physically abused so much so that he withdraws into himself. Jahangir's rage knows no bounds when he is told that Sajid is in police custody for shop-lifting. He decides to take him to Pakistan where he hopes to be re-united with the rest of his estranged family, including his first wife, Basheera. Upon arrival there, Sajid rebels and refuses to fall in line, while Jahangir sets out trying to find a wife for his half-son, Maneer. Watch what happens after an embittered Basheera confronts and questions him as to why he even returned after 30 years; and the unexpected arrival of Ella and Annie.
Alternative Plot: A man decides to send his son, Khan, to Punjab to live with the wife and daughters he left behind.
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