Woody Woodpecker (1941)


Plot: Woody Woodpecker disrupts the peace and quiet of Birdland with his zany antics and infamous laugh. When the Woodland animals tell him he's crazy by saying, "You've got some screws loose!" Woody tries to prove how smart he is by carving a tree into a totem pole... but then tries to do the same to a petrified tree. Woody realizes, "Maybe I AM crazy. Maybe I'd better see a psychi...psychiatr... psyche..psy.. a doctor!". He decides to visit Dr. Horace N. Buggy, and he gives Woody some tests, but the nutty woodpecker defies them all in the most absurd ways, culminating in his crashing out of the office. Then Dr. Horace N Buggy confides, "Don't mind him, folks. He's crazy... but I'M all right!" Dr. Horace N. Buggy then throws an insane fit saying, "Or am I?" Meanwhile, Woody is now in the theater audience watching the cartoon and annoying the other patrons!

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