Plot: For more than a decade, an elusive sexual predator and utterly sadistic serial killer has been preying on innocent young women in snow-capped Alaska. Now, in early-1980s cold Anchorage, the inquisitive state trooper, Jack Halcombe, is burdened with piecing together a seemingly endless string of violent and meticulously premeditated murders, as he follows specks of circumstantial evidence. Unfortunately, the only survivor who miraculously escaped the nightmare--the runaway teenage streetwalker, Cindy Paulson--is reluctant to both ask for help and aid the investigation, while in the meantime, a soft-spoken member of the community and respectable family man finds himself entangled with the mysterious case. Will Halcombe ever unearth the secrets of the frozen ground?
Alternative Plot: A teenage escapee (Vanessa Hudgens) provides a critical break in the case, as an Alaskan detective (Nicolas Cage) hunts a serial killer who has been preying on women for 13 years.
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