Downsizing (2017)

Plot: Much to the surprise of the global scientific community and the rest of the world, the Norwegian scientist, Dr Jørgen Asbjørnsen, has perfected the intricate procedure of cellular reduction known as "downsizing": the answer to the rapidly escalating problem of global warming and overpopulation. Ecstatic, the brave couple of Paul and Audrey Safranek decide to trade their ordinary lives for the alluring lifestyle of the rich and famous, to do their part in New Mexico's impeccable minuscule community called Leisure Land Estates. However--even though a chance encounter with the shady entrepreneur and international playboy, Dusan, and the famous Vietnamese political activist, Ngoc Lan, paves the way for new experiences--the intrepid idealists, who are no taller than a few centimetres, realise that their problems remain insurmountable. Now, the future seems bleak. Is the good doctor's irreversible process the answer to all problems, or has he opened Pandora's Box?

Alternative Plot: Mild-mannered therapist Paul Safranek and his wife, Audrey, decide to undergo a process in which scientists shrink people down to miniature size to live in small communities. The irreversible procedure allows the people to gain wealth and a life of leisure while helping to cut down on the consumption of natural resources. As Paul gets to know his new neighbors and surroundings, he soon learns that living in a tiny suburb comes with its own set of huge problems.

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