The Crazies (1973)


Plot: In Evans City, a plane crashes on the hill releasing for six days in the water the bacteriological weapon Trixie that affects only human beings. The army under the command of Colonel Peckemseals seals off the town to contain the virus and there is no antidote for the victims that are doomed to die or become incurably mad. The pregnant nurse Judy, her husband David, their friend Clank, their new acquaintance Artie and his daughter Kathy tries to cross the border of the town, but the escapees are hunted by the army. Meanwhile, the scientist Dr. Ralston Watts researches blood samples trying to find the cure for the disease.

Alternative Plot: A nurse (Lane Carroll) and her husband (W.G. McMillan) try to get out of their infected town, but the Army has it sealed off.

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