The Perfect Weapon (1991)

Plot: After Jeff's mother died, he started acting up. His father not knowing what to do with him consults his friend, Kim. Kim suggests that Jeff join a Kenpo school, and Jeff seems to have all of his negative energy under control but when he seriously injures someone, Jeff's father throws him out. Years later, Jeff still stays in touch with Kim and when he calls him he gets the impression that Kim is in trouble. Jeff rushes to help him but too late. Jeff's relationship with his father is still strained. When a Korean gives him info on who is responsible, so he goes out like a bat out of hell but he is told that he is being used. And sets out to find the real killer.

Alternative Plot: An expert (Jeff Speakman) in "kenpo" karate avenges his Chinatown friend, slain by a mobster in Los Angeles.

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