Jungle Book (1942)

Plot: Teenaged Mowgli, who was raised by wolves, appears in a village in India and is adopted by Messua. Mowgli learns human language and some human ways quickly, though keeping jungle ideas. Influential Merchant Buldeo is bigoted against 'beasts' including Mowgli; not so Buldeo's pretty daughter, whom Mowgli takes on a jungle tour where they find a treasure, setting the evil of human greed in motion.

Alternative Plot: The father of young Mowgli (Sabu) is killed by a jungle tiger during the child's early years. Having no family, the boy lives with wolves and befriends a variety of animals. After several years, Mowgli is discovered and returned to his mother, and must grow accustomed to human practices. When Mowgli and new love interest Mahala (Patricia O'Rourke) trek into the jungle together, they discover treasure that causes Mahala's father, Buldeo (Joseph Calleia), to get greedy, with tragic consequences.

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