Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants (2013)

Minuscule - La vallée des fourmis perdues

Plot: Somewhere in the lush forest, in the unobtrusive microcosm of the insects, the remaining contents of an abandoned picnic hold an invincible and almost magnetic attraction for its vibrant inhabitants. There, under a closer look, a glorious treasure lies in plain sight, almost untouched: an inconspicuous tin box of mouth-watering sugar cubes. Before long, a stranded, yet courageous young ladybug will join forces with a squad of black ants to retrieve the unusual finding to their bustling hive; however, a battalion of fierce red ants has already set their sights on the loot, refusing to let go. Who shall prevail?

Alternative Plot: A lost ladybug helps a group of black ants to take a stolen picnic basket back to its colony while avoiding an army of red fire ants.

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