Airborne (1993)


Plot: Mitchell Goosen is sixteen/seventeen-year-old kid from California who loves to surf and roller blade. Yet his parents, who are two zoologists, were given a grant to work in Australia. The only problem was: Mitchell couldn't go with them. So, he gets sent to stay with his aunt, uncle, and cousin in Cincinnati, Ohio. When he arrives, he meets his cousin who is also his new roommate for the next six months: Wiley. Mitchell then goes to school and gets on the bad side the high school hockey players. Mitchell and Wiley end up enduring weeks of torture from the guys. Then, the big guys and Mitchell and Wiley have to learn to get along to try to beat the Central High School rivals in a competition down Devil's Backbone.

Alternative Plot: When his parents go to Australia for six months to work on a zoology project, young Mitchell (Shane McDermott) is sent to live with his Aunt Irene (Edie McClurg) and Uncle Louie (Patrick Thomas O'Brien) in Cincinnati. Initially dismayed by the cold climate, Mitchell's unhappiness increases when he's taunted by the high school's popular kids. As he strikes up a relationship with Nikki (Brittney Powell), Mitchell begins to win over his bullies by using his Rollerblading skills in street hockey games.

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